18 October 2024
Click to view TABLEAPP Weekly Reads - What Makes Dates Your Perfect "Date" To Break A Fast?

What Makes Dates Your Perfect “Date” To Break A Fast?

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It is almost the time of the year again where you will start to listen to this phrase on the radio, “Yusuf…Taiyoob…”

If you don’t already know, this is a famous phrase in Malaysia during the festive season in which it is promoting dates. In Malaysia, people go crazy over dates (aka Kurma), especially when the fasting period is quickly approaching. Reason being, dates are actually very nutritious and makes a great breaking fast delight on the go. No wonder, it is nicknamed the power food!

1. What Are Dates?

However, do you know what are dates, and where it is from? First of all, dates grow on trees and those big trees are called “date palms”. Let us give you an idea, just like grapes, dates grow in large clusters too! Commonly found in the Middle East, dates are a native fruit that has been a part of that region for thousands of years!

If you ever come across dates that are sold at the supermarket, you will probably notice that most dates on display are dried and pre-packaged. Nevertheless, if you’re lucky enough, sometimes you will be able to purchase fresh dates that are bright orange in colour! Not to mention, it is super delicious and packed with nutrients too!

2. What Are The Health Benefits of Dates?

Ever wonder why dates are the go-to fruits when breaking a fast? To begin with, dates are high in sugar, fiber, minerals, and phytonutrients. They also contain potassium, magnesium, iron, and small amounts of protein and fat. On top of that, dates are easily digested, making them a quick source of energy and nutrients that are essential for those who are fasting.

On the other hand, the tradition to break a fast with dates is rooted in religious teachings of the Prophet Muhammad, who is quoted as saying: “When one of you is fasting, he should break his fast with dates; but if he cannot get any, then (he should break his fast) with water, for water is purifying.”

3. Best Restaurants To Break Your Fast - Book Now!

Now that you know the benefits of breaking fast with dates, it is time to find the perfect place for your main feast! From tantalizing buffet feast to specially curated festive set dinner you are in for a treat!

>> Check out our hand-picked list of the top restaurants in Malaysia to break a fast and celebrate togetherness!

Don’t forget to secure the best slots and grab your early bird promotions as the time is ticking for these early bird promotions! 

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